costume designer in Chinese
- 【剧、影】服装设计员。
- "costume" in Chinese : n. 1.服装,装束;衣服。 2.女服;女装。 3.服装 ...
- "designer" in Chinese : n. 1. 设计师,打样师,制图员。 2.阴谋者。 ad ...
- "co-costume designer" in Chinese : 联合服装设计师
- "costume" in Chinese : n. 1.服装,装束;衣服。 2.女服;女装。 3.服装式样;化装用服装;戏 ...
- "designer" in Chinese : n. 1. 设计师,打样师,制图员。 2.阴谋者。 adj. 署名设计的,名 ...
- "theatrical costume; stage costume" in Chinese : 戏装
- "a costume party" in Chinese : 一个化装舞会
- "academic costume" in Chinese : 大学礼服; 学位服
- "backless costume" in Chinese : 露背装
- "bathing costume" in Chinese : 〔英国〕游泳衣。
- "bright costume" in Chinese : 鲜艳的服装
- "charm costume" in Chinese : 魅影霓裳
- "china’s costume" in Chinese : 中国生产的服装
- "chinese costume" in Chinese : 唐装; 中国式的服装(不一定是中国生产的); 中式服装
- "classic costume" in Chinese : 古典服装
- Costume designer : yip kam tim oscar best art design winner
服装造型设计:叶锦添(奥斯卡最佳美术指导) - Costume designer : yang xiaohua
服装设计:杨小桦 - Costume designer : virginia chu
服装设计:朱瑞英 - Costume designer : cathy siu
服装设计:萧燕凌 - Costume designer : cheung lik
服装设计:张力 - Co - costume designer
联合服装设计师 - Light designer : lu weidong specially invited costume designer : chen jun specially invited
舞美设计:张智勇服装设计:程钧特邀 - Mother : patricia costume designer ; divorced four times sister : kim reeves horse breeder ; born in 1966
用手习惯:左撇子签名用左手,但弹贝斯用右手 - Costume designer ngila dickson had 40 seamstresses working for her , creating over 19 , 000 costumes
服装师手下有40名缝纫女工,她们一共做了19000件衣服。 - In our first class we talk about the importance of costume in a production and how a costume designer can influence and support an actor ' s performance
- More examples: 1 2
Other Languages
- "costume designer" meaning: Noun: costume designer Someone who designs or suppl...
- "costume designer" meaning in Japanese: コスチュームデザイナー
- "costume designer" meaning in Russian: художник по костюмам, костюмер
"costume" in Chinese, "bathing costume" in Chinese, "costume piece" in Chinese, "costume ball" in Chinese, "swimming costume" in Chinese, "designer" in Chinese, "fashion designer" in Chinese, "costume cat ears" in Chinese, "costume chart" in Chinese, "costume design" in Chinese, "costume design basis" in Chinese, "costume design for the theater" in Chinese, "costume designing" in Chinese, "costume film" in Chinese, "costume fittings" in Chinese, "costume for competition" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of costume designer in Chinese and how to say costume designer in Chinese? costume designer Chinese meaning, costume designer的中文,costume designer的中文,costume designer的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by